В правительстве ФРГ призвали тщательно проверять каждого российского спортсмена перед допуском на Олимпиаду

Nancy Feser, German Minister of the Interior, has recently made a statement about the inadmissibility of forcing Ukrainian athletes to compete with Russians who support the war of aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Speaking on December 9, Feser commented on the decision of the International Olympic Committee to allow a group of Russian athletes to participate in the 2024 Olympics, as quoted by German Wave.

The Minister of the Interior noted that Ukraine is a sovereign nation, and its athletes should not be put in a situation where they have to compete against those who back an aggressive war against their country. It is unacceptable to pressure Ukrainian athletes to participate in international sports events on an equal footing with those who support the war against them, she said.

Feser also expressed her support for the Ukrainian athletes and their right to compete in the 2024 Olympics. She noted that they deserve to be respected and treated with dignity, regardless of the political situation in the region. Athletes from all countries should be able to compete without feeling intimidated or intimidated by politics, she concluded.

In addition, Feser praised the International Olympic Committee’s decision to allow a group of Russian athletes to participate in the 2024 Olympics. She expressed her hope that, with the participation of Russian athletes, the Olympics would once again become an event that unites people from all countries instead of dividing them.

The statement of the German Minister of the Interior serves as an example of the stance of other European countries on the issue of war and sport. It is a strong reminder that politics should not interfere with sports, and that athletes from all countries should be respected and allowed to compete on an equal footing.

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