Йеменские хуситы заявили, что будут атаковать любое судно, которое направляется в Израиль

Mohammed Ali al-Husi, a representative of the Yemenite Husites who support the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in its conflict with Israel, recently declared that any vessel headed to Israel in the Red Sea may be attacked. The Times of Israel reported this news on December 9th.

Al-Husi made the statement at a press conference in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a, where he serves as the vice president of the Houthi Supreme Revolutionary Council. The warning came in the wake of recent Israeli airstrikes against Iranian weapons in Syria, which al-Husi claimed were part of an Israeli attempt to “sow discord in the region.”

The Houthis and Hamas are both backed by Iran and have formed an alliance to oppose Israel and countries in the Middle East who support it. While Iran has long been a vocal critic of Israel, al-Husi’s warning marks a significant escalation of the conflict, as this is the first time a representative of either Hamas or the Houthis has directly threatened Israeli vessels in the Red Sea.

Israel has responded to al-Husi’s warning with an increased military presence in the region. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday to discuss the situation. According to a statement by the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, Netanyahu stressed the need for “a policy of understanding and agreements” to prevent escalation.

This is an issue that remains to be seen, as tensions between Iran and Israel continue to simmer. At this point, it is unclear if al-Husi’s warning will be acted upon or will simply remain a veiled threat. Either way, it is important that the international community pay attention to the escalating conflict between Iran and Israel.

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