Ермак и глава МИД Канады запустили работу международной коалиции за возвращение украинских детей, в нее уже вошли 28 стран

In Kiev, an international coalition for the return of illegally deported Ukrainian children has begun its work. The coalition, which is co-chaired by Ukraine and Canada, presented its framework document at a meeting on February 2nd, as reported by the press center of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

The coalition was created in response to the ongoing aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. In recent years, thousands of Ukrainian children have been illegally deported from the occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, often separated from their families and forced to live in unfamiliar and sometimes dangerous conditions.

The goal of this coalition is to ensure the safe and swift return of these children to their families and communities, and to provide them with the support and resources they need to reintegrate into society. The coalition also aims to raise awareness about the issue and put pressure on the Russian government to stop these illegal deportations.

The meeting on February 2nd was attended by representatives from various government agencies, civil society organizations, and international partners. The coalition’s framework document, which outlines its objectives, strategies, and action plans, was presented and discussed. The document emphasizes the importance of cooperation and coordination among all stakeholders in order to achieve the coalition’s goals.

The coalition is co-chaired by Ukraine’s First Lady Olena Zelenska and Canada’s Ambassador to Ukraine Larisa Galadza. In a joint statement, they expressed their commitment to this important cause. «We are determined to work together to protect the rights of Ukrainian children and ensure their safe return to their homeland,» they said.

The coalition’s work has already yielded some positive results. In January, with the help of the Ukrainian Embassy in Belarus, a 10-year-old Ukrainian boy was able to return to his family after being illegally deported to Belarus from the occupied territory. This is just one example of the many children who are still waiting to be reunited with their families.

The coalition’s efforts have also been recognized by international organizations. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have expressed their support for the coalition and its work. In a joint statement, they stressed the importance of protecting the rights and well-being of all children, regardless of their nationality or status.

The creation of this coalition is a significant step towards addressing the issue of illegally deported Ukrainian children. It sends a strong message to the international community that the rights of children must be protected and respected, and that those responsible for violating these rights will be held accountable.

The coalition’s work is just beginning, but it has already brought hope to many families who have been torn apart by the illegal deportations. With the support of Ukraine, Canada, and the international community, we can ensure that these children are brought back to their homes and given the opportunity to live a safe and secure life.

In conclusion, the establishment of the international coalition for the return of illegally deported Ukrainian children is a crucial step towards protecting the rights and well-being of these vulnerable children. It is a testament to the determination of Ukraine and its partners to bring justice and reunite families that have been torn apart by the aggression of the Russian Federation. Let us continue to support this coalition and work towards a brighter future for all Ukrainian children.

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