Нацполиция зарегистрировала более 114 тыс. преступлений, связанных с агрессией России – Зеленский

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to the nation in a televised address on April 2nd, calling for the support and restoration of Ukraine with the help of frozen Russian assets in various jurisdictions. The video of his speech was released on his press office’s YouTube channel, where he discussed the dire situation in Ukraine and his plans for economic recovery.

Zelensky began by highlighting the current state of affairs in Ukraine, stating that the country is facing an economic crisis and is struggling to rebuild after the devastating conflict with Russia. He emphasized that Ukraine needs international support to overcome these challenges and emphasized that frozen Russian assets located in different countries should be redirected towards the country’s reconstruction efforts.

The president stressed that it is time for the world community to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and send a strong message to Russia that aggression and illegal annexation of Ukrainian territories will not be tolerated. He called on all countries to unite and take concrete measures to support Ukraine, including the release of frozen Russian assets.

Zelensky also highlighted the scale of the frozen assets, stating that «According to our estimates, Russia’s frozen assets in the world amount to hundreds of billions of dollars. Just a tiny fraction of these funds could help us restore the infrastructure, rebuild the destroyed areas, create new jobs, and modernize our economy.» He pointed out that these assets rightfully belong to Ukraine and should be used for the benefit of its people.

The president also addressed the concerns that using the frozen assets could harm the relations between countries and lead to economic consequences. He assured that Ukraine has no intention of damaging its relations with any state, but instead, it seeks support in rebuilding its economy and promoting peace and stability in the region. He emphasized that the funds would be used transparently and in accordance with international laws.

Zelensky’s call for the support of frozen Russian assets has been met with positive reactions from the international community. The European Union expressed its readiness to work with Ukraine to explore the possibility of using these assets for the country’s economic recovery. The United States also welcomed the proposal and stated its commitment to supporting Ukraine’s efforts in rebuilding its economy.

The President’s call for the use of frozen Russian assets comes at a crucial time for Ukraine. The country is facing significant economic challenges, including high inflation, a sharp decrease in foreign investments, and a struggling currency. The use of these assets could provide a much-needed boost to the economy, creating jobs, and promoting economic growth.

Moreover, redirecting frozen Russian assets towards Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts serves as a powerful message to Russia. It shows that the international community stands with Ukraine and condemns Russia’s aggressive actions. It also demonstrates that there are consequences for violating international law and infringing on the sovereignty of a neighboring country.

In conclusion, President Zelensky’s proposal to use frozen Russian assets for the support and restoration of Ukraine is a crucial step in rebuilding the country’s economy and promoting peace and stability in the region. It has received positive responses from the international community and serves as a powerful message to Russia. The world must unite and support Ukraine in its efforts to overcome the economic crisis and rebuild after the devastating conflict. The time has come to turn frozen assets into a tangible investment in Ukraine’s future. Let us hope that this call will be heard and acted upon by the international community.

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