Впервые с начала войны Путин начал получать правдивые донесения о делах на фронте. Имперские конвульсии около Харькова должны отвлечь внимание от Юга

For the first time since the beginning of the war, President Putin has begun to receive truthful reports about the situation on the frontlines. This is a significant development that has the potential to shift the course of the conflict in Ukraine.

Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia has been heavily involved in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, supporting separatist rebels in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. However, despite the Kremlin’s efforts to control the narrative and paint a rosy picture of their involvement, the reality on the ground has been far from it.

For years, Putin has been fed false information by his military and intelligence officials, who have downplayed the severity of the situation and exaggerated the success of their operations. This has resulted in a distorted view of the conflict, with Putin believing that the Ukrainian government was on the brink of collapse and victory for the separatists was within reach.

But now, with the recent escalation of violence around the city of Kharkiv, Putin is finally starting to receive accurate and unbiased reports from the frontlines. This is due to the fact that the fighting has intensified to a level where it can no longer be concealed or sugarcoated. The Ukrainian army has been making significant gains, pushing back against the separatists and reclaiming territory that was previously lost.

This shift in the flow of information has undoubtedly caught Putin off guard. It has shattered the image of his military’s invincibility and exposed the harsh reality of the situation. For the first time, he is faced with the truth about the devastating toll the war has taken on both sides.

The recent events in Kharkiv, where pro-Russian rebels launched a failed offensive, have also served as a distraction from the ongoing conflict in the south. The city, which is strategically located near the Russian border, has been a hotbed of pro-Russian sentiment and has been a key target for the separatists. By creating chaos and turmoil in Kharkiv, the rebels hope to divert attention and resources away from the southern regions where the Ukrainian army has been making significant gains.

This tactic of creating imperial convulsions is not new for the Kremlin. In the past, they have used similar tactics in other conflicts, such as in Georgia in 2008 and in Moldova in the early 1990s. However, this time it seems to be backfiring. Instead of creating a diversion, the failed offensive in Kharkiv has only served to expose the weakness and desperation of the separatists.

The situation on the ground is changing rapidly, and Putin is now faced with a difficult decision. He can either continue to ignore the reality and cling to his delusional view of the conflict, or he can finally acknowledge the truth and work towards a peaceful resolution.

The latter option may seem daunting, especially for a leader who has built his reputation on projecting strength and dominance. But it is the only way forward if there is any hope for a lasting peace in Ukraine. Putin must come to terms with the fact that his military intervention has only brought devastation and suffering to the people of Ukraine, and it is time to put an end to it.

In conclusion, the recent events in Kharkiv have marked a turning point in the conflict in Ukraine. For the first time, Putin is receiving truthful reports about the situation on the frontlines, and the failed offensive has exposed the desperation of the separatists. This is a crucial moment that could potentially lead to a resolution of the conflict and bring an end to the suffering of the Ukrainian people. It is time for Putin to face the truth and make the necessary changes for the sake of peace and stability in the region.

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