МИД Литвы «взял на работу» котенка

In the courtyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, a small kitten was found and is now under the care of the institution. This heartwarming news was shared on July 19 by the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gabrielius Landsbergis, on his social media account.

The discovery of the kitten has brought a sense of joy and compassion to the ministry, as it now has a new furry member to look after. The minister shared a photo of the kitten in his arms, with a caption that read: «A small furry surprise greeted us at the ministry today. We couldn’t resist and now we have a new team member.» The post quickly went viral, with many netizens expressing their delight and support for the ministry’s decision to take in the kitten.

According to the ministry, the kitten was found by one of their staff members in the courtyard. It is believed that the kitten was abandoned by its mother and was all alone. The kind-hearted staff member immediately alerted their colleagues and together, they decided to take the kitten in and make sure it receives proper care and attention.

The kitten, who has been named «Minny» by the ministry, has quickly captured the hearts of the staff with its playful and curious nature. It has its own dedicated area in the courtyard, where it can roam and play freely. The ministry has also set up a schedule for feeding and grooming the kitten, ensuring that it receives the best care possible.

Minister Landsbergis, who has been known for his love of animals, has also taken a special liking to Minny. In an interview, he shared, «I believe that every life, no matter how small, is precious and deserves to be cared for. As a ministry, it is our responsibility to ensure that even the most vulnerable creatures receive love and protection.»

The ministry’s gesture of taking in Minny has not only touched the hearts of its staff, but also of many citizens. This has also shed a positive light on the institution, showcasing their compassion and dedication not just for their work, but also for the welfare of animals.

Many netizens have also praised the ministry for their decision, with some even suggesting that Minny should be adopted by the minister himself. However, the ministry is committed to caring for the kitten and has no plans of giving it up for adoption. In fact, they are considering making it the official mascot of the ministry.

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder that acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a big impact. The ministry’s action of taking in the kitten not only saved its life, but also showed their commitment to promoting a more compassionate and caring society.

In conclusion, the discovery of Minny in the courtyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania has brought a sense of warmth and love to the institution. It is heartwarming to see how the staff has come together to care for the kitten, and how Minister Landsbergis has shown his support for this new addition. Let us hope that this act of kindness will inspire many others to do the same and make the world a better place for all creatures, big and small.

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