Действующий и бывшие сотрудники правоохранительных органов входили в агентурную сеть россиян в трех областях Украины (фото)

Their activities were coordinated by the FSB and the military intelligence of the aggressor country.

The FSB (Federal Security Service) and the military intelligence of the aggressor country have been working hand in hand to carry out their activities. These two organizations are responsible for gathering and analyzing intelligence, as well as conducting covert operations to further the interests of their country.

The FSB, also known as the successor of the Soviet Union’s KGB, is the main domestic security agency of the Russian Federation. It is responsible for counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and surveillance within the country. The military intelligence, on the other hand, is responsible for gathering and analyzing intelligence from foreign countries, as well as conducting covert operations to support the military and political goals of the aggressor country.

The coordination between these two organizations is crucial for the aggressor country to achieve its objectives. By working together, they are able to gather and analyze intelligence from both domestic and foreign sources, giving them a comprehensive understanding of the situation. This allows them to make informed decisions and carry out effective operations.

One of the main objectives of the FSB and the military intelligence is to protect the interests of the aggressor country. This includes protecting its borders, citizens, and resources from external threats. By coordinating their efforts, they are able to identify potential threats and take necessary measures to neutralize them.

In addition to protecting the country, the FSB and the military intelligence also play a crucial role in advancing its political and military agenda. They gather intelligence on other countries and their activities, which allows the aggressor country to anticipate their actions and respond accordingly. This also gives them an advantage in negotiations and diplomatic relations.

The coordination between the FSB and the military intelligence is not limited to intelligence gathering and analysis. They also work together to carry out covert operations, such as espionage and sabotage, to further the interests of their country. These operations are carefully planned and executed, with the ultimate goal of achieving success without being detected.

The FSB and the military intelligence also work closely with other government agencies and departments, as well as with international partners, to achieve their objectives. This collaboration allows them to share information and resources, making their efforts more effective.

However, the activities of the FSB and the military intelligence have also been met with criticism and controversy. Some have accused them of violating human rights and engaging in illegal activities. However, the aggressor country maintains that their actions are necessary for the protection and advancement of their interests.

In conclusion, the coordination between the FSB and the military intelligence of the aggressor country is crucial for the protection and advancement of its interests. These two organizations work together to gather and analyze intelligence, carry out covert operations, and collaborate with other agencies and international partners. While their activities may be met with criticism, they remain an integral part of the aggressor country’s security and foreign policy.

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