ВАКС деградирует и зависит от НАБУ и САП: юридическое сообщество негодует из-за скандалов вокруг антикорсуда

The Ukrainian legal community is in turmoil as the country’s top anticorruption agency, the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), and Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) face mounting criticism and scandals. The latest controversy involves the alleged degradation of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC), which has sparked outrage among legal professionals.

The HACC was established in 2018 as part of Ukraine’s efforts to combat corruption and fulfill its obligations to the European Union. The court was meant to be an independent and impartial body, free from political interference and capable of bringing corrupt officials to justice. However, recent events have raised serious concerns about the court’s integrity and effectiveness.

One of the main issues plaguing the HACC is the alleged influence of NABU and SAPO. Both agencies have been accused of manipulating the court’s decisions and exerting pressure on judges. This has led to a lack of trust in the court’s ability to deliver fair and just rulings. The situation has only been exacerbated by the ongoing power struggle between NABU and SAPO, with each agency trying to assert its authority over the other.

In addition, there have been numerous scandals involving HACC judges, further damaging the court’s reputation. Recently, one judge was caught on tape discussing a case with a NABU representative, raising concerns about collusion and corruption. Another judge was accused of accepting a bribe in exchange for a lenient sentence. These incidents have not only tarnished the image of the HACC, but also undermined public trust in the judiciary as a whole.

The deteriorating situation at the HACC has sparked outrage among the legal community. Many lawyers and judges have expressed their frustration and disappointment with the court’s performance. They argue that the HACC was supposed to be a beacon of hope in the fight against corruption, but instead, it has become a source of controversy and scandal.

Moreover, the degradation of the HACC has raised concerns about the future of Ukraine’s anticorruption efforts. Without a strong and independent court, it will be difficult to hold corrupt officials accountable and eradicate corruption in the country. This is especially worrying given that Ukraine has made significant progress in its fight against corruption in recent years, and any setbacks could undo all the hard work that has been done.

The situation at the HACC has also attracted international attention, with the European Union and other international organizations expressing their concerns. The EU has called on Ukraine to take immediate action to address the issues at the HACC and ensure the court’s independence and integrity. Failure to do so could have serious consequences for Ukraine’s relations with its Western partners and its efforts to join the EU.

In response to the mounting criticism, the Ukrainian government has promised to take steps to address the issues at the HACC. President Volodymyr Zelensky has proposed a new law that would overhaul the court’s structure and increase its independence. However, many experts are skeptical about the effectiveness of these measures, as they believe that the root of the problem lies in the ongoing power struggle between NABU and SAPO.

In conclusion, the degradation of the HACC and its dependence on NABU and SAPO have caused a stir in the Ukrainian legal community. The court, which was meant to be a symbol of Ukraine’s commitment to fighting corruption, has become a source of controversy and scandal. It is imperative that the government takes immediate and effective action to address the issues at the HACC and restore public trust in the judiciary. Only then can Ukraine continue its progress towards a more transparent and corruption-free society.

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