Хакеры узнали стоимость иранских дронов Shahed для РФ. Оплата частично проводится золотом

A group of hackers known as Prana Network has recently made headlines for their successful breach of the email servers of IRGC Sahara Thunder, an Iranian company. The hackers were able to access sensitive information about the production and cost of Shahed-136 kamikaze drones, which are used by Russia’s ally, Iran.

According to a report by «Мілітарний» on February 6th, the hackers were able to obtain this information and share it with the public. This has caused a stir in the international community, as the Shahed-136 drones are known for their destructive capabilities and have been used in conflicts in Syria and Yemen.

The Prana Network hackers have claimed responsibility for the attack and have stated that their goal was to expose the aggressive actions of Russia and its allies. They believe that by revealing this information, they are helping to prevent further harm and aggression from these countries.

The Shahed-136 drones, also known as «suicide drones,» are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that are equipped with explosives and are designed to be used as kamikaze weapons. They have been used by Iran and its allies in conflicts in the Middle East, causing significant damage and casualties.

The leaked information includes details about the production process of the drones, as well as their cost and capabilities. This has raised concerns about the security of Iran’s military technology and the potential for it to fall into the wrong hands.

The Prana Network hackers have stated that their actions were not politically motivated, but rather a way to expose the truth and hold those responsible for aggression accountable. They have also claimed that they have no ties to any government or organization and operate independently.

This breach serves as a reminder of the importance of cybersecurity and the need for companies and governments to constantly update and strengthen their defenses against cyber attacks. It also highlights the potential consequences of using advanced military technology in conflicts.

The Iranian government has not yet responded to the breach, but it is expected that they will launch an investigation into the matter. Meanwhile, Russia has denied any involvement in the attack and has condemned the actions of the Prana Network hackers.

In conclusion, the recent breach of IRGC Sahara Thunder’s email servers by the Prana Network hackers has revealed sensitive information about the production and cost of Shahed-136 kamikaze drones. This has caused concern in the international community and has raised questions about the security of military technology. The hackers claim that their actions were meant to expose the aggressive actions of Russia and its allies, and serve as a reminder of the importance of cybersecurity.

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