Лидеры G7 решительно осудили атаку Ирана на Израиль, выразили солидарность с израильтянами и заявили, что «готовы принять меры»

Leaders of the G7 countries have condemned Iran’s attack on Israel, which took place on the night of April 14th. This statement was made in a joint declaration, the text of which was published on the White House website.

The attack, carried out by Iranian forces, targeted military bases and civilian areas in Israel, causing significant damage and casualties. The G7 leaders strongly denounced this act of aggression and expressed their full support for Israel’s right to defend itself against such attacks.

In the joint declaration, the G7 leaders stated, «We condemn in the strongest terms the recent attack by Iran on Israel. Such actions are completely unacceptable and violate international law.» They also called on Iran to immediately cease all hostile actions and to refrain from any further provocations.

The G7 leaders also expressed their solidarity with the people of Israel, offering their condolences to the victims and their families. They emphasized that the safety and security of Israel is of utmost importance and that any threat to its sovereignty will not be tolerated.

The joint statement also highlighted the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region and urged all parties to engage in dialogue to resolve conflicts. The G7 leaders reaffirmed their commitment to a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the principles of international law and relevant UN resolutions.

The international community has been closely monitoring the tensions between Iran and Israel, which have been on the rise in recent months. The G7 leaders have expressed their concern over Iran’s aggressive actions and its support for terrorist groups in the region.

The joint declaration also called on Iran to abide by its international obligations, including the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal. The G7 leaders reaffirmed their commitment to this agreement, which aims to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

The G7 leaders also called on all countries to join in the effort to counter Iran’s destabilizing activities and to hold the Iranian government accountable for its actions. They emphasized the need for a united front against Iran’s aggression, stating that «we stand together in our determination to counter any threat to international peace and security.»

The G7 leaders’ strong condemnation of Iran’s attack on Israel sends a clear message that such aggression will not be tolerated by the international community. The joint declaration also serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding international law and promoting peace and stability in the region.

The G7 leaders’ statement has been met with support from other countries, with many expressing their solidarity with Israel and their condemnation of Iran’s actions. This united front against Iran’s aggression is a testament to the strong relationships and alliances between the G7 countries and their commitment to promoting peace and security in the world.

In conclusion, the G7 leaders have made it clear that they stand with Israel and will not tolerate any threats to its security. Their joint declaration serves as a powerful message to Iran and other countries that the international community will not hesitate to take action against any act of aggression. The G7 countries remain committed to upholding international law and promoting peace and stability in the region, and will continue to work together to counter any threats to global security.

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