После провальной атаки Ирана еще абсурднее становится то, что Украину не вооружают из-за страха «эскалации»

After a failed attack by Iran, the absurdity of Ukraine not being armed due to fears of «escalation» becomes even more apparent.

The recent missile attack by Iran on US bases in Iraq has caused tensions to rise in the Middle East and has raised concerns about possible retaliation. In the midst of all this, one country is feeling the consequences of being left defenseless in the face of aggression – Ukraine.

Ukraine has been struggling for years to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity against Russian aggression. The country has been engaged in a conflict with Russia since 2014, when Russian-backed separatists annexed Crimea and invaded eastern Ukraine. Despite numerous ceasefire attempts and peace negotiations, the conflict continues to rage on and Ukraine continues to suffer.

But what exacerbates the situation even more is the fact that the international community, including the United States, has failed to provide sufficient military support to Ukraine. Despite repeated pleas for weapons and military assistance, Ukraine has been repeatedly denied due to fears of «escalation» with Russia.

This situation has now become even more absurd after the recent attack by Iran. While the US and other Western countries have been quick to condemn Iran’s actions and promise swift retaliation, Ukraine has been left to fend for itself once again. The double standards of the international community are painfully evident – while they are willing to arm and support their allies in response to aggression, they are hesitant to do the same for Ukraine.

This is not a new issue for Ukraine. In 2014, when the conflict with Russia first started, Ukraine requested military aid and arms from the United States and other NATO countries. However, their request was met with reluctance and concerns about provoking Russia. This hesitation has continued to this day, despite the fact that Ukraine is not the aggressor in this situation, but a victim of aggression.

The argument that arming Ukraine would escalate the conflict with Russia is baseless and ignores the reality on the ground. Ukraine has long been fighting against a heavily armed and aggressive neighbor, and without proper defensive weapons, they have had to rely on outdated equipment and limited resources. This has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, and the continued instability in the region.

But the recent events have made it clear that Ukraine’s security cannot be ignored any longer. The attack by Iran has shown that threats can come from unexpected directions, and Ukraine must be prepared to defend itself against any potential aggressor. It is time for the international community to put aside their fears and provide Ukraine with the necessary military support to protect itself.

Moreover, by denying Ukraine the weapons it needs, the international community is essentially giving Russia a free pass to continue their aggression. The lack of strong resistance from Ukraine only emboldens Russia and sends a message that they can act with impunity. By standing up for Ukraine and supporting its defense, the international community can send a strong message to Russia that their actions will not be tolerated.

In addition to defensive weapons, Ukraine also needs military training and support from countries like the United States. The Ukrainian military has been greatly weakened by years of underfunding and corruption, and it needs proper training and guidance to effectively defend the country. Providing Ukraine with the necessary resources and support is not only the right thing to do, but it is also in the interest of regional stability and international security.

It is time for the international community to stop turning a blind eye to Ukraine’s security needs. The recent attack by Iran has only highlighted the urgency of this matter. Ukraine deserves the same support and assistance as any other country facing aggression. It is time to put aside the fears of escalation and instead focus on providing Ukraine with the necessary tools to defend itself and ensure peace in the region.

In conclusion, the recent attack by Iran has only further emphasized the absurdity of not arming Ukraine due to fears of «escalation.» It is time for the international community to take action and provide Ukraine with the necessary military support to defend itself against all potential threats. The future of Ukraine and regional stability depend on it.

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