Туск о голосовании в Конгрессе США за помощь Украине: Лучше поздно, чем слишком поздно. Надеюсь, что еще не поздно

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk expressed his gratitude to the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson for voting on a bill to support Ukraine. The corresponding post was written by the head of the Polish government on April 20th.

The bill, which was passed by the US House of Representatives, aims to provide financial and military assistance to Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. This move has been welcomed by many European leaders, including Prime Minister Tusk, as a strong show of support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In his post, Prime Minister Tusk thanked Speaker Johnson for his leadership and commitment to standing with Ukraine in its time of need. He also expressed his appreciation for the strong partnership between Poland and the United States, which has been a key factor in promoting stability and security in the region.

The Polish Prime Minister’s words come at a crucial time for Ukraine, as the country continues to face aggression from Russia and struggles to maintain its independence. The support from the United States and other European countries is crucial in helping Ukraine defend itself and its people.

The bill, which was passed with a strong majority in the US House of Representatives, is a testament to the strong and enduring relationship between Poland and the United States. It also reflects the shared values of democracy, freedom, and sovereignty that both countries hold dear.

Prime Minister Tusk’s post has been met with widespread praise and appreciation from both Polish and international audiences. Many have commended the Prime Minister for his strong leadership and unwavering support for Ukraine, and have expressed hope that other countries will follow in the footsteps of the United States in providing assistance to Ukraine.

The passing of this bill is not only a victory for Ukraine, but also for the entire international community. It sends a strong message to Russia that its aggressive actions will not be tolerated, and that the world stands united in support of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

In addition to expressing his gratitude to Speaker Johnson, Prime Minister Tusk also took the opportunity to reaffirm Poland’s commitment to standing with Ukraine. He emphasized that Poland will continue to support Ukraine in its efforts to defend itself and its people, and will work closely with the United States and other allies to ensure a peaceful and stable future for the region.

The strong and unwavering support from Poland and other European countries is a testament to the close ties and shared values that bind us together. It is a reminder that in times of crisis, we must stand together and support each other in the pursuit of peace and stability.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Tusk’s post serves as a reminder of the importance of international cooperation and solidarity in the face of aggression and conflict. It also highlights the strong partnership between Poland and the United States, and the shared commitment to promoting democracy, freedom, and sovereignty. The passing of the bill in the US House of Representatives is a significant step towards supporting Ukraine and ensuring a peaceful future for the region.

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