Сибига в Польше обсудил, как решить вопрос, который «отравляет политический диалог»

On October 2, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiga announced on Facebook that during his visit to Poland, he discussed «specific technical, not political steps» to «finally resolve the issue of exhumations.»

The issue of exhumations has been a long-standing and sensitive topic between Ukraine and Poland. It refers to the process of identifying and returning the remains of Ukrainian victims of World War II who were buried in Poland. Many of these victims were killed by Soviet forces or Polish nationalists during the war.

For years, the Ukrainian government has been pushing for the return of these remains to their homeland. However, the process has been hindered by political tensions and bureaucratic obstacles. The recent meeting between Sybiga and his Polish counterpart, Jacek Czaputowicz, gives hope for a resolution to this issue.

During their meeting, the two ministers discussed concrete steps to facilitate the exhumation process. This includes the development of a joint action plan and the establishment of a working group to oversee the process. They also agreed to continue cooperation on identifying and preserving the graves of Ukrainian victims in Poland.

The fact that these discussions were focused on technical rather than political aspects is a positive sign. It shows that both countries are committed to finding a practical solution to this humanitarian issue. It also demonstrates a willingness to put aside political differences and work together for the greater good.

The issue of exhumations is not just about returning the remains of Ukrainian victims to their homeland. It is also about acknowledging and honoring their sacrifices. Many of these victims were ordinary people who were caught in the crossfire of war. They deserve to be remembered and given a proper burial in their own country.

The Ukrainian government has been actively working to identify and commemorate these victims. In 2016, a special commission was created to oversee the exhumation process. Since then, over 1000 remains have been identified and brought back to Ukraine. This is a significant achievement, but there are still many more victims waiting to be repatriated.

The recent discussions between Ukraine and Poland are a step in the right direction towards resolving this issue. It shows a mutual understanding and a shared commitment to finding a solution. It also highlights the importance of cooperation and dialogue between neighboring countries.

The positive tone of the meeting is also indicative of the improving relations between Ukraine and Poland. In recent years, the two countries have been working to overcome their historical differences and build a stronger partnership. This has been reflected in increased trade and cultural exchanges, as well as joint efforts to address common security challenges.

The issue of exhumations may seem like a small matter in the grand scheme of international relations. However, for the families of the victims, it holds great significance. It is a matter of closure and justice for those who lost their loved ones during the war.

The fact that the Ukrainian Foreign Minister chose to announce these discussions on Facebook is also significant. Social media has become a powerful tool for diplomacy, allowing for direct communication with the public and providing transparency in government actions.

In conclusion, the recent discussions between Ukraine and Poland on the issue of exhumations are a positive step towards finding a resolution. By focusing on practical steps and setting aside political differences, both countries are showing a commitment to honoring the victims and finding closure for their families. This is a testament to the improving relations between the two nations and a demonstration of the power of cooperation and dialogue in international affairs.

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